Its 4:30am and I am bored stiff. A quick search on Google for my name turned out a few accurate hits. Including one article on New Straits Times on a photography exhibition I did a long time ago. I themed it "Decadence". It was a proud moment for me to show my photographs to the National Unity and Social Development Minister Datuk Dr Siti Zaharah Sulaiman. Surprised to see the page turn out in the Googling process. It's at
And here's something to bitch about... I found on page 3 of the search results, my name and address postes on some GeoCities site together with what seemed like a thousand other names and email addresses on a page that was called WIN Myanmar Systems. It tells people that they are free to use the email addresses but warns against abuse by spammers.
What nonsense. Its like giving Hannibal a knife and saying "oh, i'm giving you a huge sharp knife but don't hurt anyone with it, alright?" Jesus!
What the hell is WIN Myanmar Systems?
Oh did i mention it has an option for anyone to add their own email for spammers and junk mailers to use freely in the site? How thoughtful.
Have you tried Googling your own name lately?
Full name: Kenny Teoh
Location: Kuala Lumpur
Occupation: Technology Writer
I believe the Sony Ericsson T610 is the best phone of the year. A lot may disagree and stick with their vanilla-in-disguise Nokias and their garish outlook.
The T610 has packaged everything you need into a tiny package that beautiful to the eyes and my wallet. Games, camera, superb connectivity (try sending a pic out of a 7250 or connecting your Nokia with a Palm; for reference on lousy connectivity), colour screen although not TFT-kind of great and it's small size won me over.
I am a true believer of cycles. What ten years ago looks like the Motorola mobile phone empire is happening again to Nokia. Everything in life comes in cycles.
Kenny Teoh @ 6/2/2001 4:06:51 AM
i m using a 3c n i have no complaints either. I love it n i cant imagine life without some decent colors. i have tried the m505 n its beatiful. no doubt. The feeling is like an average family man. I dream of claudia schiffer but i go home to my wife.
yes, the m505 can do 65,000 colors but i am already complaining of the lack of apps in 256 colours let alone 65,000 colors. Pictures dont look all that great on the m505 anyway.
I love my palm 3c and although it isnt as small as the m50x, i dont think its too big for me to complaint.
sure, nothing is perfect, but for that price for a m505, it isnt any close to perfect than my reliable 3c.
My friends tell me my 3c is passe. but nobody else can make me buy a PDA, that will only leave me feeling inadequate with the capabilities. Hence the need to buy more memory n etc. Thats a too 'MICROSOFT' thing to do.
Maybe one day when my 3c is as obsolete as a museum artifact or i lose my ability to carry an average palm-sized PDA, I will upgrade. I absolutely agree with the article and you wont believe how long i have been waiting for someone to say what he said. hallelujah, AMEN!
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Anonymous |
9:34 AM
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