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It's April! Although I completely forgot it was April Fool's Day, this month will see the first anniversary of the famous Bus Uncle video. I know, I know, most of us have already seen it countless times before last year. But here it is anyway, just a reminder of what a bitch life can be.

The bus uncle is ridiculously vulgar. News has it he used to work in a restaurant (but had to resign following the aftermath of this embarassing incident) and was beaten by strangers who saw him on the street... For more information, point to the wikipedia link at the bottom of the post.

"The Bus Uncle" is video clip capturing a verbal altercation aboard a bus in Hong Kong on April 27, 2006.
The video clip was taken by a passenger, uploaded to HK Golden Forum, and then quickly mirrored on YouTube and Google Video. Soon after its debut on YouTube, the 6-minute video became a cultural sensation in Hong Kong and inspired vigorous debate and discussion on life and etiquette in the city. Attracting some 1.7 million hits in the first 3 weeks in May, alone, the clip became one of YouTube's most viewed items in May, last year.

Its copious use of profanity and its rhetorical outbursts attracted the attention of local and international media, and some of its utterances became catchphrases in Hong Kong and Chinese communities around the world. For more information point your browser to:

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