That's an updated picture of me. A little fatter than before. Sigh.
The Men's Health Shape Up competition is coming to a close. And I have
gained weight instead of losing some. The photoshoot is next week and
I am kind of nervous. We'll see how it goes. I won't win it for sure
but then again, i feel its better to have tried and failed than not to
have tried at all. See you in Men's Health - April issue
Batu Maung,Penang again. To the right, you see the runway of Penang
International Airport. The light in the distance, is Penang Airport
building. This is on my way to my aunt's, for a family dinner. Every
Chinese New Year, we gather at my aunt's on the second day of CNY for
dinner, fireworks, some gambling and lots of alcohol. Kids of all ages
and uncles/aunts gather there
This is my friend, Rico's, dog. Her name is Queenie. Rico and I went
to the same uni in Canberra, Australia. We were neighbours too. He's
the friend I'd call when it comes to spider-mergencies. There's once,
I was eating breakfast in front of the telly with my Canadian
housemate, and along came a spider. It spun its web to lower itself
within my line of sight at about 2 feet away. I freaked out like
little miss muffet. Dude, it was one of those larger black ones with
creepy legs, you'd be freaked too. So I called Rico to save my life.
He came with a rolled newspaper and whacked the shit out of that
f*uckin spider. Thank god